For Faculty and Administrators
For more than two decades, colleges and universities around the world have partnered with the Washington Internship Institute to provide exceptional learning experiences for their students.
Academic Internships
At the Washington Internship Institute, we seek to create a knowledge community. Our academic internship program features:
substantive internships (32 hours per week) in government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and for-profit companies
challenging academic coursework (the Internship Seminar and the Core Course, a policy-oriented seminar)
convenient housing, and
guidance and support from the Washington Internship Institute’s staff.
Campus Handbook
For additional information including sample credit and billing arrangements, please download a copy of WII's Campus Handbook (PDF).
Partnering with the Washington Internship Institute
Although the Washington Internship Institute accepts students from unaffiliated schools, we encourage your campus to partner with us by completing an Institutional Partnership Agreement outlining the working relationship between the Washington Internship Institute and your campus.
There is no fee.
A partnership with us provides two major benefits:
1. Affiliation establishes the framework for your students’ participation in the Washington Internship Institute’s program, ensuring consistency and efficiency.
2. Affiliation permits your campus to publicize the Washington Internship Institute experience as its own internship program in Washington, DC.
We value the opportunity to be your school’s program in the nation’s capital!
Download an Institutional Partnership Agreement
Immersion Seminars
The Washington Internship Institute offers immersion seminars that consist of tours, site visits, and guest lectures in Washington, DC for a period of one to two weeks.
We have custom-designed immersion seminars at the request of universities. Past topics have included “Education in the U.S.” for teacher education students from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden and “We the People” for Chinese exchange students at the State University of New York.
We welcome the opportunity to work with you and your students. If you have any questions, please contact us.