Internship Seminar

Reflections on Developing Professionally, Personally, and Civically  

In addition to interning four full days per week, you'll take two courses at the Washington Internship Institute: the Internship Seminar and the Core Course.

The Internship Seminar helps you to make the most of your semester or summer in Washington, DC. It encourages you to connect your classroom learning with what you are learning and doing at your internship. This course lets you discuss, reflect upon, and better understand the internship experience. Plus, you will benefit from the experiences of your peers.

This course provides an opportunity to develop professional skills, including written and verbal communication skills, giving and receiving feedback, interviewing, presentation skills, and networking.

Further, you will have the opportunity to consider how the qualities of a professional coincide with the qualities of a citizen and how one’s work can benefit one’s community.